Course Features
- Lessons 79
- Quizzes 3
- Assignments 0
- Discussions 0
- Duration Unlimited
- Students 157
- Certificates Yes
- Badges No
106 Nutritional Medicine in Cancer, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Nutrition and Functional Assessment and Programs
This is the sixth of six courses in the ROHP-Qualifying Program for DC’s (Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner)
This course consists of three subjects (each has its own exam):
- Adjunctive Nutritional Management of Cancer and Cancer Prevention
- Gastrointestinal Diseases
- Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Assessment and Programs
1. Adjunctive Nutritional Management of Cancer and Cancer Prevention
This course highlights the peer-reviewed scientific studies, which illustrate the effect to which diet and targeted nutritional supplements impact important biological targets in the prevention and adjunctive nutritional management of cancer. Attendees will learn the mechanism of action through which certain dietary constituents and targeted supplements can favorably affect signal transduction pathways, activation or suppression of various cell membrane growth factor receptors, cytokine receptors, death receptors, apoptosis mechanisms, immune function, transcription factor synthesis and other biological targets of importance. This program provides practitioners with sound scientific support upon which to provide patients with clinically-relevant and practical nutrition and supplementation advice on cancer prevention, as well as a comprehensive approach to the adjunctive nutritional support of cancer, to help prevent recurrence and metastasis. Practitioners will also understand how certain nutritional interventions can enhance the efficacy of certain chemotherapy drugs, and/or reduce the side effects of conventional cancer therapies. Attention to important drug-nutrient interactions regarding classes of chemotherapy drugs is also provided.
Learning Objectives:
- The student will develop an in-depth understanding of key signal transduction pathways involved in cancer development at a molecular chemistry level.
- The student will develop an in-depth understanding of the key human clinical trials that have shown efficacy in cancer prevention and the adjunctive management of specific cancers.
- The student will develop and an in-depth understanding of how commonly used chemotherapy drugs work in the body as well as evidence-based integrative cancer therapies used successfully around the world.
- The student will have the skills to design an evidence-based, personalized dietary and supplementation program for cancer patients that has the potential to enhance clinical outcomes and work synergistically with any concurrent medical cancer treatments.
2. Gastrointestinal Diseases
This course explains the evidence-based nutrition and natural medicine interventions shown to help improve outcomes for patients with Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Celiac disease and gluten sensitivities. It also explores common food allergies, food sensitivities, including types of testing available to diagnose these problems. The course also explains the management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulosis, simple constipation and reviews key health problems that produce abdominal signs of symptoms with respect to differential diagnosis.
Learning Objectives:
- The student will develop an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiology involved regarding the key intestinal tract conditions mentioned above.
- The student will develop an in-depth understanding of the evidence-based studies showing the important role played by complementary medicine, in regards to various dietary and supplementation strategies (and sometimes exercise and relaxation therapies), on patient outcomes, regarding the above-noted health conditions.
- The student will have the skills to develop an evidence-based, dietary and lifestyle program for patients presenting with these health conditions that can provide important complementary management regarding improved clinical outcomes and quality of life indices.
3. Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Assessment and Programs
Health practitioners recognize that nutrition, exercise and targeted nutritional supplements play an important role in optimizing health status, and are often used in conjunction with medical treatment in the management of many health conditions. This course outlines a comprehensive, systematic and clinically-relevant nutrition and lifestyle assessment, which enables practitioners to make personalized, evidence-based dietary, exercise and supplementation recommendations to their clients. Attendees learn how to quickly and efficiently gather all clinically-relevant data that are essential to a proper nutrition, lifestyle/healthy aging evaluation, which include the individual’s age, gender, dietary patterns, signs and symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, lifestyle factors that deplete specific nutrients, present or recurring health conditions, family history of degenerative health conditions, as well as other important lab findings and other health indicators. The assessment also takes in to account all contra-indications to dietary and supplement recommendations, as well as drug-nutrient interactions, to guard against inappropriate or dangerous nutrition, exercise or supplementation recommendations being made. An understanding of the medical management of common conditions is also included to help practitioners understand medical decision-making processes.In addition, this course also reviews again the baseline blood, urine, and other investigations that the patient should have performed by their family doctor, as a means to achieve
In addition, this course also reviews again the baseline blood, urine, and other investigations that the patient should have performed by their family doctor, as a means to achieve a complete understanding of the patient’s health status. In summary, this program provides practitioners with the clinical tools to quickly, accurately and responsibly identify the most appropriate supplementation and lifestyle modifications that are most appropriate for each client.
Basic Screening
- Introduction (the importance of nutrition and lifestyle assessment in health management)
- The Anthropometric Evaluation
- The Dietary Assessment
- GI-disease and Medication Screening
- Nutritional Deficiencies and Depletion (including drugs and lifestyle)
- Exercise Screening and Programming
Commonly Encountered Health Conditions:
- Cardiovascular (cholesterol etc)
- Various Cancers
- Gastrointestinal
- Skin
- Systemic and Metabolic Disorders (e.g. osteoporosis, diabetes, thyroid etc)
- Men’s Health Issues
- Women’s Health Issues
- Family History and Disease Risk
Final Review:
- Drug-Nutrient Interactions and Other Contra-indications and Concerns
- Interpretation of Common Blood Work and Early Detection Procedures
Designing Patient Programs
- Customized Dietary plan
- Customized Exercise program
- Customized Supplementation regiment
Learning Objectives:
- The student will have the skills to perform a comprehensive, evidence-based nutrition and functional assessment of the patient.
- The student will have an in-depth understanding of common medical treatments patients are using to manage key health conditions and risk factors, and be able to guard against key drug-nutrient interactions in their patient programming.
- The student will have the skills to design a personalized, evidence-based, comprehensive dietary plan, exercise program and supplementation regiment (and other natural lifestyle interventions where applicable) to enhance the patient’s health status, reverse key health risk factors and/or improve the management of existing health conditions.
Nutritional Medicine and GI Issues Course Notes and Required Reading
lessonNutritional Medicine and GI Issues Course Notes (Slides)
lessonFood Sensitivity Testing MRT Test Jan 2014
Nutritional Medicine and GI Issues / Lessons
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 1-20
lessonGI Issues / Slides 21-36
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 37-57
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 58-71
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 72-85
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 86-116
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 117-140
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 141-181
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 182-208
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 209-220
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 221-235
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 236-246
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 247-265
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 266-285
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 286-305
lessonGI Health Issues / Slides 306-319
quizGastrointestinal Exam
Adjunctive Cancer / Course Notes and Required Reading
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Lecture Slides
lesson12 Day Ketogenic Diet High Animal Fat
lessonCancer an Nutrition Notes
lessonConklin Chemo and Antioxidants
lessonDr. M Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Patients
lessonKetogenic Diet Caloric Breakdown
lessonKetogenic Diet for Cancer Patients / Published Research
lessonRationale for Ketogenic Diet in Glioblastoma
lessonResearch Ketogenic Diet in Cancer 2
lessonResearch Ketogenic Cancer
lessonResearch Photodynamic RX Cancer
lessonThe Two Staple System for Ca Survivors
Adjunctive Cancer / Lessons
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 1-14
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 15-33
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 34-62
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 63-82
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 83-98
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 99-132
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 133-176
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 177-227
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 228-255
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 256-285
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 286-325
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 326-342
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 343-353
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 354-376
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 377-402
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 403-423
lessonAdjunctive Cancer / Slides 424-435
quizAdjunctive Cancer Exam
Nutritional and Functional Assessment / Patient Programs / Course Notes and Required Reading
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Course Notes (Lecture Slides)
lessonAnthropometric Conversion Tables
lesson7 Day Nutri and Ex Log
lessonConfidential Nutrition Screening Questions
lessonDC Article on How to Perform and Evidence
lessonDietary Assessment
lessonFasting & Intermittent Fasting
lessonInitial Appt Assessment Form
lessonNMS Screening Questionaire
lessonNutrition and Lifestyle in Acne Treatment and Prevention
lessonOil of Oregano
lessonOther Oil of Oregano references
lessonPatient Brochure about Nutri Services
lessonPerceived Stress Scale
lessonRecommended Blood Tests
lessonSleep Questionaire
lessonUV Light-Skin–Antiox
lessonVitamin Supplements for Healthy Skin
lessonWeekly Diet Follow Up Assessment Form
Nutritional and Functional Assessment / Patient Programs / Popular Dietary Plans
lessonMetabolic Typing Diets
Nutritional and Functional Assessment / Lessons
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 1-64
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 65-99
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 100-132
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 133-160
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 161-184
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 185-197
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 198-227
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 228-249
lessonNutritional and Functional Assessment / Slides 250-270
quizNutrition and Functional Assessment